Tank: aluminium alloy cylinder with a 40 mm diameter. No bending problems thanks to the tank structure, to the innovative material it is made with, and the spear that is perfectly coaxial with the thrust of the piston. Butt: the end has a reduced diameter in order to increase the visibility of the spear, thereby improving the line of vision. Handle: the ergonomic design allows a better grip. Made in one material. Barrel: the 13 mm diameter allows the use of an 8 mm spear. Characteristics: Power regulator with an ergonomic and functional form. Convenient hook for the buoy line positioned at the base of the butt. Comes with: steel spear, injector, harpoon, harpoon loader, line, rifle carrying case. - See more at: http://seacsub.com/product.php?ID=585#sthash.XGx3IlVn.dpuf

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